Saturday, December 22, 2012

How to Set Nokia 808 PureView White Balance in the Nokia 808 PureView Camera?

White balance (WB) is a global adjustment of the intensity of the colors. The aim is to render the colors, particularly the neutral colors (such as gray and white), correctly.

Auto White balance Setting: Nokia 808 PureView
The auto White balance gives you excellent results in most situations. The Automatic shooting mode and most of the Scenes shooting modes use the auto White balance setting.

Creative Shooting White balance Setting: Nokia 808 PureView
The Creative shooting mode of Nokia 808 PureView offers some different White balancepresets. With those presets you can get very consistent results in certain lighting conditions. White balance presets offer you the possibility to get some special color effects, for example, either a yellowish or bluish tone, into the photos depending on the setting and lighting conditions. 

You can get a heavy boost on the blue tones by using the incandescent White balancesetting on early morning landscape photos just when the sun is about to rise. Or, you can get a nice boost on the yellow, orange, and red tones by using the sunny White balance setting on the sunset photos. 

In the sunset case, auto White balance might wash out the colors too much, as it targets to find the white point in the photo. To change the white balance setting, make sure you are in the Creative shooting mode, and then select the White balance icon on the left and a setting.

Most of us do not know that what the White balance in the phone camera is. In my post I want to post about the type of White balance in the Nokia 808 PureView phone camera. If you want to share your views with us please put your comment in the comment box below.


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